
HDX data freshness is a process that runs against the Humanitarian Data Exchange portal every day. It attempts to determine the freshness of datasets on the platform (ie. how up to date they are) and updates the last modified field of resources held externally to HDX that have changed.

The freshness emailer sends emails to HDX contributors and admins depending upon the freshness and integrity of datasets.

The freshness cleaner removes older freshness database runs.


This library is part of the Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX) project. If you have humanitarian related data, please upload your datasets to HDX.

The code for the library is here. The library has detailed API documentation which can be found in the menu at the top.



The implementation of HDX freshness in Python reads all the datasets from the Humanitarian Data Exchange website (using the HDX Python library) and then iterates through them one by one performing a sequence of steps:

  1. It gets the dataset's update frequency if it has one. If that update frequency is Never, As Needed or Live then the dataset is always fresh.
  2. If not, it checks if the dataset and resource metadata have changed -this qualifies as an update from a freshness perspective. It compares the difference between the current time and update time with the update frequency and sets a status: fresh, due, overdue or delinquent.
  3. If the dataset is not fresh based on metadata, then the urls of the resources are examined. If they are internal urls ( -the HDX filestore) then there is no further checking that can be done because when the files pointed to by these urls update, the HDX metadata is updated.
  4. If the url is externally hosted, then we can open an HTTP GET request to the file and check the header returned for the Last-Modified field. If that field exists, then we read the date and time from it and check if that is more recent than the dataset or resource metadata modification date. If it is, we recalculate freshness. (This step is no longer used for freshness calculation as it was found to be unreliable.)
  5. If the resource is not fresh by this measure, then we download the file and calculate an MD5 hash for it. In our database, we store previous hash values, so we can check if the hash has changed since the last time we took the hash. For xlsx, if the hash is constantly changing, we hash the individual sheets in the workbook.
  6. There are some resources where the hash changes constantly because they connect to an api which generates a file on the fly. To identify these, we hash again and check if the hash changes in the few seconds since the previous hash calculation.

Since there can be temporary connection and download issues with urls, the code has multiple retry functionality with increasing delays. Also as there are many requests to be made, rather than perform them one by one, they are executed concurrently using the asynchronous functionality (asyncio) available in Python.


The HDX freshness emailer reads the HDX data freshness database and finds datasets whose status has changed. It sends emails to system administrators if the change is from overdue to delinquent or to maintainers if from due to overdue. It also alerts when there are new candidates for the data grid and reports datasets that are broken or which have invalid maintainers. An email is also sent for organisations with invalid administrators.


Utilities to: 1. Clean the freshness database 2. Make a shallow clone of the freshness database

The cleaning action reduces the size of the database by removing runs according to these rules: 1. Keep a handful of runs around the end of each quarter all the way back to the first run in 2017 2. Keep daily runs going back 2 years 3. Keep weekly runs from 2 to 4 years back 4. Keep monthly runs for 4 years back and earlier

The cloning action creates a shallow clone of the database which has all the runs but only one dataset and its resources per run for testing purposes.

Docker Setup

The Dockerfile installs required packages and also the dependencies listed in requirements.txt. It uses the Python source files directly (rather than using PyPI as was the case previously).

The stack folder contains the Docker Compose YAML files and run scripts that are on the freshness server.


In the command line usage examples below, common parameters are set as follows:

Either db_uri or db_params must be provided or the environment variable DB_URI must be set. db_uri or DB_URI are of form: postgresql+psycopg://user:password@host:port/database

db_params is of form: database=XXX,host=X.X.X.X,username=XXX,password=XXX,port=1234, ssh_host=X.X.X.X,ssh_port=1234,ssh_username=XXX, ssh_private_key=/home/XXX/.ssh/keyfile


python -m PARAMETERS


-hk HDX_KEY, --hdx_key HDX_KEY
                    HDX api key
-ua USER_AGENT, --user_agent USER_AGENT
                    user agent
-hs HDX_SITE, --hdx_site HDX_SITE
                    HDX site to use
-db DB_URI, --db_uri DB_URI
                    Database connection string
-dp DB_PARAMS, --db_params DB_PARAMS
                    Database connection parameters. Overrides --db_uri.
-dt, --donttouch
                    Don't touch datasets
-s, --save
                    Save state for testing


python -m PARAMETERS


-hk HDX_KEY, --hdx_key HDX_KEY
                    HDX api key
-ua USER_AGENT, --user_agent USER_AGENT
                    user agent
-hs HDX_SITE, --hdx_site HDX_SITE
                    HDX site to use
-db DB_URI, --db_uri DB_URI
                    Database connection string
-dp DB_PARAMS, --db_params DB_PARAMS
                    Database connection parameters. Overrides --db_uri.
-gs GSHEET_AUTH, --gsheet_auth GSHEET_AUTH
                    Credentials for accessing Google Sheets
-es EMAIL_SERVER, --email_server EMAIL_SERVER
                    Email server to use
                    People to alert on freshness failure
                    HDX system administrator emails
-et EMAIL_TEST, --email_test EMAIL_TEST
                    Email only these test users for testing purposes
-st, --spreadsheet_test
                    Use test instead of prod issues spreadsheet
-ns, --no_spreadsheet
                    Do not update issues spreadsheet


python -m hdx.freshness.dbactions PARAMETERS


-db DB_URI, --db_uri DB_URI
                    Database connection string
-dp DB_PARAMS, --db_params DB_PARAMS
                    Database connection parameters. Overrides --db_uri.
-a ACTION, --action ACTION
                    Action to perform: `clone` or `clean` (the default).